

You know the phrase: “The devil is in the details!”

Said devil has taken over the Nest at the present moment.

As any mother will say, “I love all of my children equally,” but… Paris in the Spring has sparked my imagination, giving way to a magical backdrop for what I hope will transport you to a place we perhaps took for granted, a plane ticket away, an obtainable trip….

My childhood dreams of travel and faraway magical places have stepped up to the forefront of this show, me always wishing I was James in that giant peach.

As those historical red doors open this week, it is with mixed emotion; it’s like throwing a party for your most intimate friends. No two shows are the same, but the thing that is steadfast is you! All of you show up time after time, sitting at the table I’ve created, and I thank you … it means more to me than you know.

This will be our only show until the fall, as I intend to take the summer off and be Snow White in the Delta …

… working in my garden, riding around with my growing pack of dogs. We have added in Maggie, a six-year-old lab who is a retired professional hunting dog (watching her stalk birds is priceless!) and this brings us to four.

… cooking for my husband in my kitchen (we have moved to the 1920s guesthouse; I’m happy as a clam here but miss my kitchen!)

… enjoying and decorating the fruits of a remodel that started as a formal entry, morphing into pretty much the whole house being touched.

… my husband and I having other things to talk about other than my job, his job, remodels and life’s background noise!

… swimming, laying in the bed swing, reading, sipping beautiful drinks (I’ve discovered a woman-owned mixer company that I’m in love with, and yes, you can get it at the Nest!)

… using lavender spray on my sheets, lighting candles, enjoying fresh flowers and walks through the vineyard, trying to keep my brood moving without too much sniffing and wandering.

One last thing, my favorite this time of year: cherry season! Filling buckets (vintage, of course) with beautiful crimson fruit, plucking from said trees, pitting (yes I have a cherry pitter) and making my mother’s recipe for cherry pie!

I look forward to seeing you all – those who come every time (I adore you), new faces and new stories I always love!

As my mother always told me: “Be careful what you wish for, it might come true.”

I’m so glad I wished for this!!


To my family:

I have no idea how I could do this without you!

Ning, Beeje – your childhood fantasy of playing shop come true; Sliss, G – my biggest fans, you can make anytime feel like a party! Jessica – the patience of a saint; Blanca, Norma – your thoughtfulness and hard work amazes me – I’d be lost without you. Baby – who makes dinners, brings me coffee, herds dogs, gives great business advice and holds down the fort!

I love you all!

Comments (7)

  1. I just got back from your fabulous cozy shop! It’s so adorable! My first time and I brought some friends from Tracy & San Jose. I’m originally from San Jose, but I live in Stockton now! I loved it! So me! Thank you for your beautiful and pleasant boutique and nice with the cookies & mimosas were a hit!

  2. Yes to your cherry pie recipe and maybe some branches in the shop?!

    Excited to see Paris in Walnut Grove🇫🇷

  3. Love your sweet stories on your blog..it’s so dreamy ..hoping you will share recipe for your moms cherry pie! Can’t wait to visit your Paris this week!🌷💖

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Winsome Nest