
War of the Roses

Recently I had the floors done in my entire house. Although a wonderful problem to have, I found myself sequestered in my master bedroom area. As I made my makeshift apartment, I discovered a room that has always been used to store exercise equipment, dog leashes and all mixes of anything left over.

As I moved the furniture into this room and the exercise equipment out, I discovered it had the most beautiful colors at sunset, and the best views of the vineyard! As I presented this to my husband, he immediately pushed back. He raised the stakes: I could have the room (bless his heart) if I would give up my office upstairs.

As soon as his car left the driveway, I arranged for movers to come and the room was painted! I rummaged through my storage for furniture to suit this area.

We have lived in this house for six years, and this has been the forgotten corner. But now to match those beautiful vineyard views, the color I chose was the palest of pinks that represent the beautiful sunsets here in the Delta.

My husband hates change and craves a stable home environment; I on the other hand find change is a welcome rebirth!

When he returned from his trip, his “exercise room” was finished.

To say the least, he was not pleased. But was he really surprised? When I get that look in my eye … it’s happening!

Thus with the help of four big men, his beloved elliptical machine was moved up the spiral staircase into my office.

The moral of this story is that there are small corners of every space just waiting to be transformed! Explore the possibility and carve out a small slice of respite.

Of course, my husband has adjusted quite nicely; he will grace the space every once in a while, because even he has admitted it’s really a beautiful room!

Stay engaged and creative – no matter what that looks like to you.


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