
Fall in Love

As a new season approaches, we either welcome or condemn the change. Personally, I am entering into my decorating, staging, pumpkin-displaying happy place!

Fall brings my beloved father’s favorite season and birthday (he would have been 82). He was quite possibly the most charismatic, funny, unorthodox, interesting, talented, good man I may ever know … of course, I married my husband because he too is one of the best men I’ve ever known.

This isn’t a story about my father, but about a season, and he has always played a starring role this time of year, hence the reminiscing.

I know when they release the pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks, it’s “go time!” – the time that I, a self-proclaimed fall junkie, patiently await when days fade quicker, air is crisp, sweaters are first used after hunkering in the back of the closet, and apples and pumpkins (there has never been a better all-around decor tool!) are everywhere!

Don’t forget pot roast, chicken and dumplings, and football – yes, I said it!

It’s a time to welcome in the new season, layer up our homes, find rich caramel-colored throws, heavy textured pillows, and break out the warm comfort we packed away with absolute disdain while awaiting spring.

I lie awake at night thinking of the tricks or feats of decorating greatness I might be able to perform … most of the time is doesn’t happen that way, but in my mind it’s fabulous!

My business plan has always been to have seasonal pop-ups in my brick-and mortar; hence the upcoming fall show in my little funky shop on the Delta, and then the Christmas, spring, summer! … I’ve been just waiting to display all the wonderful fall things that instantly bring comfort to a space, like a dark handle or rusty hinge!

I am, and remain honored, overwhelmed, appreciative, and not quite believing it myself, but thankful, so thankful, for all of you who have been so kind (you know who you are). You’ve shown absolute generosity of both time and spirit. The kind words and absolute delight I see when you have found the thing, the piece, the prize that makes your heart sing.

I always pick things that I love, that would reside in my own domain, for this is the sweetest gig I’ve ever had. It’s like borrowing shoes from your much older, cooler sister.

To all of my “fall for it” sisters out there, start with the ceremonial pumpkin spice latte (one pump, not 4 for me!) and fall in love all over again with fall!


Comments (2)

  1. An early Happy Fall to you. Spoke to Deb Menagh this week, she and a friend are coming up for Fall Opening, they are so excited!!!!
    “Appointments Are Full” is wonderful to see!!!
    Love you!!!

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