
A Summer for the Ages

The other day, my dearest friend commented how the summers go so fast now, yet seemed like they lasted forever when we were girls. How I wish I would have appreciated them more, instead of worrying about the size of my thighs! Wisdom is wasted on the middle-aged….

For some reason, reflections on my life’s lessons and missed moments have flashed here and there for me lately. But seriously, are they missed moments?

What holds us back from fully, truly living life to its fullest with the absolute resolve we are enough? That standard size comparison … fitting in … (I’ve always done me, no idea how to fake that) … the don’t speak up/must be me mentality. I say, be damned all of it! This is what pushing a certain “big” birthday number gets you – freedom!

If I could tell that red-headed, freckle-faced girl anything (I have always loved being a redhead – my mother made sure I understood the power of being a unicorn), it would emphatically be this:

You are stronger than you know.

Be grateful for your problems and challenges in life.

Life owes you nothing – it’s yours to make or break.

Do your best, keep going and never give up!

Learn to know when to change paths; look for the road signs of life’s big decisions.

Pay attention to red flags, they are always there!

Set your course with intention; a map is always important.

Let things morph into what they need to be, and have the grace to let go.

Be kind … others’ feelings are more about them than you.

Stand to face the fire – you can always find a way through!

Don’t be afraid of heartache, it always will pass….

Loyalty is not weakness – it makes you who you are.

Stand up for your beliefs, but never shove them down anyone’s throat.

Listen … just listen!

And … the size of your thighs will grow and shrink – it’s all OK!

So, here’s to all the girls who still reside in the bodies we thought were not so perfect then.

You’ve got this; we’ve got this! There is incredible beauty inside and out of a life lived, of mistakes made, of broken hearts and challenges we never knew we could face.

I celebrate all the girls we were and the women we have become. Support your sisters … sometimes we’re the only ones who understand each other.


Comments (5)

  1. Great blog as Always! I would add, enjoy every moment, including those you have with friends and family. Life is so precious and so short and we never know when it might end. I Love every moment I get to spend visiting with you and walking through your welcoming and beautiful shop. Getting to know you has been a Special Gift.

  2. I love this post! I’ve always known you were a strong person, independent, and able to forge your way! As your mother, I loved that about you, because I know you inherited those qualities from the strong women who came before, on both sides of your family. Sometimes hard to manage as a mother of such a headstrong and stubborn child, I am incredibly proud of the the wonderful woman you’ve become.

  3. All of this is so true! Funny how the slower days of summer gives us time to pause, reflect and rethink how we move forward. Wiser, most definitely, but still realizing there is so much more to learn and experience!

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